China has strict internet censorship known as the "Great Firewall." This means that access to popular Western websites and apps like YouTube, Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and even Netflix will be blocked. To use these services, you need to install a VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your devices in advance. A VPN will allow you to bypass these blocks and continue using your favorite internet resources. Keep in mind that installing a VPN after arriving in China can be difficult, so make sure to do it beforehand.
Install Online Translators
Even though China is becoming more international, English is not as widely spoken as you might expect. Even in major cities, many hotel, shop, and restaurant staff may not speak English. Online translators like Google Translate can be a lifesaver, especially when communicating with locals or reading menus and signs. However, remember that Google Translate will also require a VPN to work in China. To be extra prepared, consider installing several different translators so you always have a reliable tool for communication at hand.
Get Alipay and WeChat
Cash is rarely used in China, and foreign bank cards may not work in some places. Alipay and WeChat are not just messaging and payment apps; they are fully-fledged digital ecosystems that allow you to pay for goods and services, book hotels, order food, and even hail a taxi. For foreign tourists, these apps are especially convenient as they allow you to link an international bank card. With these apps, you can make purchases both online and offline without worrying about issues with change or refusals to accept your foreign card.
Save the Chinese Names of Places
In China, all addresses, signs, and even the names of international brands are written in Chinese. If you show a taxi driver or passerby the name of a hotel or restaurant in English, they probably won’t understand. To avoid this, find and save the Chinese names of all the places you plan to visit in advance — from your hotel to tourist attractions. For example, Starbucks in China is called “星巴克” (Xīngbākè), and Hilton is “希尔顿” (Xī'ěrdùn). Having this information will make it much easier to navigate the country.
Bring Your Own Vitamins and Medications
The medications you are used to at home may not be available in China. Even if you find an equivalent foreign drug, it will have a completely different name, and you may need a Chinese ID card to purchase it. Therefore, if you rely on specific vitamins or medications, it’s best to bring them with you in sufficient quantity. It’s also a good idea to pack a basic first aid kit with essential medicines to avoid unpleasant surprises during your trip.
Pack Your Favorite Cosmetics
For women, this is especially important: if you have a favorite cosmetic brand or product, it’s best to bring it with you in ample supply. While you can find many international brands in major cities, the selection may be limited, and some products might not be available at all. For example, finding your usual body scrub or a specific foundation might take several days. To avoid unnecessary hassle and stress, stock up on your necessary cosmetics before leaving.
Prepare well in advance, and your journey through China will go smoothly, leaving you with nothing but positive memories. Enjoy the uniqueness of this amazing country! 🌏✈️